Wednesday, June 27, 2012

FINFacts June 27, 2012

Volume XX  |  No. 26  |  June 27, 2012
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.24% 5 Yr US Treasury  0.73% 5 Yr Swaps  
12-MAT  0.15% 3 Month LIBOR  0.46% 10 Yr US Treasury  1.62% 10 Yr Swaps  1.76%
11th Dist COFI  1.14% 6 Month LIBOR  0.74% 30 Yr US Treasury  2.69%    
Transaction of the Week
Transaction Description:
$2,145,000 10 Day Quick-Close Acquisition Financing for an Atlanta REO Apartment Building GSP successfully placed the acquisition financing for 172-unit apartment building that was foreclosed on by the prior lender. The property is currently 90% occupied at below market rents. While not a true distressed asset, the former lender was not interested in owning the property, and liquidated it for $3,300,000 ($19,200 per unit). The property requires $300,000 of cosmetic improvements for maintaining or upgrading gates, fences, swimming pool & roof repairs, and stairwell reinforcement.

Challenge: The borrower is an absentee owner, and required quick close financing to accommodate their escrow commitment. Traditional "Hard Money" was not an option as the Borrower was rate sensitive and required higher leverage debt. Certainty of execution was also mandated to avoid forfeiture of the Borrowers' non-refundable escrow deposit.

Solution: GSP identified a reliable private equity capital provider who is comfortable with the Borrower's business plan despite its out-of-state location. The lender provided an aggressive loan structure and proceeds at favorable pricing and ultimately closing in 10 days from signing of loan application.
Rate: 9.5%
Term: 2 Years
Amort: Interest Only
LTC: 65%
Prepayment: 6 Month Locked then Open
Lender Fee: 2.5%
BrokerGilda Rivera
Hot Money
Nationwide Non-Recourse Bridge & Mini-Perm Program from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000. GSP is working with a national balance sheet bridge-loan provider advancing up to 70% of purchase price on a non-recourse basis. The LTV will be limited to 65% on refinances and is not subjected to secondary internal underwriting. This capital provider will advance to 100% of good news dollars going forward. Note purchase financing will be considered for performing, non-performing and distressed transactions. Assets should be B quality or better, although sponsor qualifications are less stringent. Pricing ranges from mid-7's to 9% for 3 to 5 years; interest only with one point origination and one point upon exit.
Hot Money
New $200,000,000 Equity Fund Roll-Out A national private Joint Venture Equity provider will be launching a new fund next week targeting total capitalizations from $10,000,000 and up. Equity contributions as small as $3,000,000 will be considered on a 90/10 co-invest. Story transactions with some cash-flow in place are being underwritten to a high-teens/low-twenties IRR for up to a five year hold. DPOs are also considered with a fresh capital injection from the Borrower. Their typical developer/partner is a smaller shop although institutional clients have also utilized their funds. Ground-up developments are not available under this program although assets requiring construction completion will be considered.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 867-2995 or
California State-Wide Multifamily Trends

The following is part 2 of a 2 part summarization of recently attended multifamily symposiums from around the state.  Part 1 may be found in last week's FINfacts.

Capitalization Rates

California Multifamily cap rates are "frothy" due in part to what appears to be an unending decline in yield on T-Bills.  Many long-term holders are now cashing in their chips and selling their buildings at 4.5% cap rates.  Seller motivation is high to liquidate rather than working their assets hard, raising rents, etc. to generate higher returns over the next 2-3 years.  The competitiveness is dramatically shrinking the return gap between Class A and Class B product.  Cap spreads between primary and tertiary markets have shrunk by 200 basis points.

Buyers are seeing historically low interest rates, a term used so often in the past three years it has lost much of the emotional punch it once held.  The typical shorter term, "improve, raise rents and flip" investors are receding as more players are looking at a 7-10 year horizon in order to hit their yields by utilizing non-recourse agency funds and slowing raising rents nominally over a 10 year horizon. Several funds are comfortable paying a significant premium in what are felt to be recession-proof markets.  Some West Los Angeles properties are now trading at a 2% cash-on-cash in expectation of a long term return.

Development: Equity, Underwriting, Costs and Land Sales

Voracious investor demand is driving more developers to ground-up construction as opposed to acquiring older existing apartments.  Debt and equity capital is readily available as sponsors seek a stronger economic business plan.  Traditional bank construction debt is 3% or less (L+225-300) as institutional equity has given up chasing 20% yields.  The new equity mantra is now "15% is the new 20%" for returns.  Four institutional developers responded to "what ROC would you underwrite to build a 100 unit in West Los Angeles": 5.0% - 6.0% - 6.0% - 5.25%.  All four were unanimous in utilizing 3.5% annual trended rents for their pro-forma.

Topics of cost were more pessimistic.  Most developers believe hard costs (especially labor) will spike.  Land costs are trending up as development has once again become realistic with obtainable financing.  A recent Pasadena site received 20 written offers, with the winning bid assuming a 5.5% un-trended return on cost.  Multifamily investment sales brokers believe that we have now returned to 80% of the market height reached in 2007.  Jonathan Lee

In The News
Managing Director and Founding Principal Steve Bram was recently quoted on the recession's demand impact to the multifamily market cycle in Multi-Housing News Online. Steve's comments and the entire article may be found here
Pascale's Perspective

EU Summit Pre-Game  This week's EU Summit "pre-game" commentary indicates that the European banking and political leaders are coming close to the credit markets "wishlist", ie more integration.  A report prepared by the European Commission and ECB called for a road map leading to a "Pan-Euro" banking system with a single regulator, treasury and deposit insurer.  The ECB will act more like the US Federal Reserve.  This will decouple banks in troubled countries (Greece, Spain, Italy) from the "adverse feedback loop" they are now in with their corresponding sovereign governments.  As far as the long awaited "Eurobond", the report indicates some "partial common debt" issuance is possible such as the pooling of short term funding instruments.  These steps now seem inevitable in order as all parties try to avoid major market disruption.   ….stay tuned…  David R. Pascale, Jr.



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©2012 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

FINFacts June 20, 2012

Volume XX  |  No. 25  |  June 20, 2012
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.24% 5 Yr US Treasury  0.75% 5 Yr Swaps  1.00%
12-MAT  0.15% 3 Month LIBOR  0.47% 10 Yr US Treasury  1.66% 10 Yr Swaps  1.80%
11th Dist COFI  1.14% 6 Month LIBOR  0.74% 30 Yr US Treasury  2.74%    
Transaction of the Week
Transaction Description:
$23,000,000 Cash-Out Refinance of an Operating Marina and Boat Yard  GSP successfully placed the cash-out refinance of an operating marina and boat repair yard in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The property is half owned in fee, half owned in leasehold with the local municipality. The non-recourse loan will be amortized over 18 years to allow for a 10 year hang-out from the ground lease. Pricing was SWAPs plus 350 for the fixed 10-year term.

Challenge: The unique product type is widely viewed as an operating company cloaked in real estate, not unlike a hotel. Institutional lenders are familiar with hospitality whereas few have first-hand experience with an operating marina.

Solution: GSP blanketed the permanent debt market and identified a CMBS Lender who understood and appreciated the property and its long-term, stable historical performance. This is one transaction where the asset truly sold itself. Once the Lender "kicked the tires", decision makers immediately fell in love with the asset and the operations. The unique property type was mitigated with the operational strength of the sponsor and lengthy ownership history. Ten years of monthly historical cash flow was underwritten demonstrating consistent collections throughout the economic down-turn. GSP successfully closed with the Lender in 32 days.
Rate: 5.52%
Term: 10 Years Fixed
Amort: 18 Years
LTV: 50%
DCR: 1.35
Lender Fee: Par
Broker:  David Stepanchak
Hot Money
New $200,000,000 Equity Fund Roll-Out A national private Joint Venture Equity provider will be launching a new fund next week targeting total capitalizations from $10,000,000 and up. Equity contributions as small as $3,000,000 will be considered on a 90/10 co-invest. Story transactions with some cash-flow in place are being underwritten to a high-teens/low-twenties IRR for up to a five year hold. DPOs are also considered with a fresh capital injection from the Borrower. Their typical developer/partner is a smaller shop although institutional clients have also utilized their funds. Ground-up developments are not available under this program although assets requiring construction completion will be considered.
Hot Money
Mezzanine Debt: Stabilized or Bridge/Reposition Assets Several capital providers are affording higher leveraged transactions with a tranche of internal Mezzanine Debt for stabilized assets as an offering to investors seeking higher levels of senior debt. This presents a win/win as the lenders are securing additional originations while subsequently adding to their over-all yield. One-stop-shopping for 85% leveraged transactions is offered by Wall Street as well as a small handful of Life Company funders. The higher yielding tranche is wrapped with the senior note for a negligible increase in the total coupon. Borrowers seeking higher debt levels on transactional assets are also witnessing a larger appetite for Mezz Debt and/or Pref Equity levels. Larger assets slated for reposition may obtain total leverage up to 90% with a mid-teens IRR on the most senior tranche. Mezz/Pref Equity allocations for turn-around assets should be at least $5,000,000 for terms of 2 to 7 years. Ground-up construction Mezz/Pref Equity requests are currently limited to pre-leased transactions.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 867-2995 or
In The News...
Founding Partner Gary M. Tenzer was recently quoted by on negotiating loan modifications with servicers.  More on the topic may be found in the article here.
California State-Wide Multifamily Trends

As conference season is in full swing, many symposiums are focused on California's Housing Sector.  The following is part 1 of a 2 part summarization of several events recently attended around the state.

ECONOMY  At 180,000 new jobs added, California is 2nd (behind Texas) in adding jobs over the last 12 months.  The Golden State was paced largely by the Bay Area where San Jose has the strongest wage growth for five straight quarters.  Multifamily Rental Rates exploded with a 16% increase in San Francisco alone.  As the multifamily market prospers, Fannie and Freddie lost a whopping $10 Billion (nationwide) last year alone – all of it in SFR.  Only 24,000 SFR permits were issued last year in the entire State, 10,000 of those in Los Angeles.  Because so many buyers have been forced to the side-lines, apartment occupancy has spiked.  Nowhere is that more evident than in Santa Monica where year-after-year rent growth has topped 4.8% with the highest state-wide average rent per door of $2,960.

GENERATION Y? CONGRATS; YOU ARE BROKE! The most fascinating statistic: The average Total Asset Value of US individuals under the age of 35 is $20,000. With credit card debt, student loans and possibly a foreclosure on their record, Generation Y (defined as ages 22-31) and the tail end of Generation X is collectively broke.  But people ages 22-35 also tend to have good jobs and like lifestyle living, and are willing to pay for it to be close to jobs and maintain a residence they can be proud of.  These factors are the primary drivers behind the spike in Class A rates.

Developers are now designing buildings with smaller units (450 SF for a studio) but more amenities with recreation rooms, gyms, and outdoor common areas people can enjoy in the community.  The question facing developers: will this demographic stay in a smaller unit?  Or will this present a problem as renters increase mobility, and/or seek more comfort?  Or is this problem mitigated by the growing number of college grads who re-leave the home once they have their first jobs?  These are several questions facing developers in today's paradigm.

I will summarize existing cap rate projections and discuss development costs in next week's FINfacts.  Jonathan Lee

Pascale's Perspective

A Quarter Trillion Dollar Twist – The headline driven markets got exactly what they were expecting today, no more, no less.  Operation Twist (the Fed selling short term bonds and buying long term bonds to flatten the yield curve and keep long rates down) will continue with the Fed selling about $260 billion of short and buying the equivalent of long.  The Fed has kept short term rates at rock bottom since late 2008.  The Fed will also consider "QE3", further quantitative easing, if necessary.  Treasuries held steady at their historic lows.  The Greek elections and subsequent pro-bailout coalition formation has calmed the "risk" markets (for now) with attention now turned to Italy and Spain.  This buys time for Europe, but how much time?  CMBS spreads continue to stabilize, so very little volatility over the past week in the index and spread worlds…  ...stay tuned...  David R. Pascale, Jr.


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©2012 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

FINFacts June 13, 2012

Volume XX  |  No. 24  |  June 13, 2012
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.24% 5 Yr US Treasury  0.70% 5 Yr Swaps  1.00%
12-MAT  0.15% 3 Month LIBOR  0.47% 10 Yr US Treasury  1.59% 10 Yr Swaps  1.76%
11th Dist COFI  1.14% 6 Month LIBOR  0.74% 30 Yr US Treasury  2.71%    
Transactions of the Week
Transaction Description:
$11,115,000 Joint Venture Acquisition and Construction Equity George Smith Partners arranged $11,115,000 in Joint Venture Equity to acquire a to-be-built 95 Unit multi-family development site in West Los Angeles. The client, a well-regarded Los Angeles based developer, was approached directly with an off-market opportunity in late 2011. The Developer had previously used internal funds to develop prior projects, but had engaged GSP to arrange institutional equity for this transit-oriented site. The Developer believed strongly in the site because of its excellent location. The parcel is situated three blocks from the LA Metro's Expo Line stop at Olympic and Bundy, slated to open within 12 months of project completion.

Challenge: Despite being an off-market transaction, the project generated a tighter return on cost than most equity providers were looking to achieve on an un-trended basis. The project is located in very close proximity to the popular multifamily markets of Westwood, Brentwood and Santa Monica, but not in an area of recently constructed comparables.

Solution: GSP identified an equity partner that was knowledgeable of the prime West Los Angeles market and adjusted their return-on-cost criteria accordingly. GSP sourced comparable older projects within the development's competitive set that demonstrated strong rental growth (6% in the last four months), and low vacancy (sub-5%).
Brokers: Jonathan Lee, Shine Cheng
Transaction Description:
Refinance of an Eight-Unit Inland Empire Multifamily Asset to 75% LTV Shahin Yazdi successfully placed the 75% LTV rate-and-term refinance of an eight-unit apartment building in Palm Springs, California. The Borrower presented significant credit issues, including mortgage defaults and limited verifiable income. Many capital providers are hesitant to lend in the Inland Empire due to housing market perceptions. The subject property's superior location within the market offered a consistently strong historical cash flow during the worst of the down-turn, allowing the lender to become comfortable with the location and the Borrower's credit issues. Documentation was provided during the due diligence process to demonstrate a sustainable increase to Borrower global cash-flow.
Rate: 4.0%
Term: 5 Years
Amort: 25 Years
LTV: 75%
Broker: Shahin Yazdi
Hot Money
Mezzanine Debt: Stabilized or Bridge/Reposition Assets Several capital providers are affording higher leveraged transactions with a tranche of internal Mezzanine Debt for stabilized assets as an offering to investors seeking higher levels of senior debt. This presents a win/win as the lenders are securing additional originations while subsequently adding to their over-all yield. One-stop-shopping for 85% leveraged transactions is offered by Wall Street as well as a small handful of Life Company funders. The higher yielding tranche is wrapped with the senior note for a negligible increase in the total coupon. Borrowers seeking higher debt levels on transactional assets are also witnessing a larger appetite for Mezz Debt and/or Pref Equity levels. Larger assets slated for reposition may obtain total leverage up to 90% with a mid-teens IRR on the most senior tranche. Mezz/Pref Equity allocations for turn-around assets should be at least $5,000,000 for terms of 2 to 7 years. Ground-up construction Mezz/Pref Equity requests are currently limited to pre-leased transactions.
Hot Money
Small Loan Bridge Debt from $1,000,000. GSP has identified a regional bank funding asset reposition loans from $1,000,000 to $10,000,000. The program will fill a significant void for California commercial and multifamily assets, as this level of bridge debt is sorely under-capitalized. Non-recourse financing is available, although a repayment guarantee will be required for assets below break-even cash flow at funding. All major property types will be considered, including hospitality. Loan-To-Value can go up to 75% for multifamily and 65% for commercial, with hotels sized to 55%. Pricing ranges from Prime plus 100 to 200 basis points. A fixed rate mini-perm may be provided upon stabilization.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 867-2995 or
In The News
Managing Director David Rifkind was recently quoted in The Commercial Property Executive on Post-Recession Trends.  The "Mixed Forecast" article reviewing commercial property types and loan processes appears on Page 25 and may be found here.
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©2012 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jiwaji University - Results | B.A. BBA, BCA, B.Com, M.Com, B.Sc, M.Sc 2012

Results - Jiwaji University, Gwalior 


Jiwaji University was established as a teaching and affiliating University on 23rd May 1964, under the provision of M. P. Government Ordinance no. 15 of 1963. Dr. Sarwapalli Radhakrishanan, the then President of India, laid the foundation stone of the University Campus on 11th December 1964.

Exam Results












B. Lib. I. Sc.


B.P. Ed.


B.A.LL.B (Five Years Integrated)


B.A. Jyotirvigyan


B.H.M & C.T.***




M.A. Ancient Indian History & Archaeology (AIHCA)


M.A. English


M.A. Extension Education and Social Work


M.A. French


M.A. Hindi


M.A. History


M.A. Sanskrit


M.A. Economics


M.A. Political Science


M.A. Public Adminstration


M.A. Jyotirvigyan


M.A. Education


M.B.A. e-Commerce


M.B.A. (Business Economics)


M.B.A. (Chemical Sales and Marketing Management)


M.B.A. (Financial Administration)


M.B.A. (Human Resource Development)


M.B.A. (Tourism Administration)


M.B.A. (Hospital Administration)


M.B.A. (Heritage Tourism Management)





M. Lib. I. Sc.


M. P. Ed.


M.Sc. Biochemistry


M.Sc. Biomedical Technology


M.Sc. Biotechnology


M.Sc. Botany



M.Sc. Medicinal Plant & Herbal Resource Management


M.Sc. Chemistry


M.Sc. Computer Science


M.Sc. Electronics


M.Sc. Environmental Science


M.Sc. Food Technology


M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry


M.Sc. Instrumentation & Commercial Methods of Industrial Analysis (MICA)



M.Sc. Mathematics


M.Sc. Microbiology


M.Sc. Neuroscience


M.Sc. Physics


M.Sc. Remote Sensing and GIS


M.Sc. Zoology


M.Sc. M.H.G.(Molecular Human Genetics)


M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry


M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry


M.Sc. Geology


Master of Journalism and Mass Communications (MJMC)


M. Phil. AIHCA


M. Phil. Botany


M. Phil. Chemistry


M. Phil. Commerce



M. Phil. Economics


M. Phil. English


M. Phil. Environmental Science



M. Phil. Hindi


M. Phil. History


M. Phil. Mathematics


M. Phil. Physical Education


M. Phil. Physics


M. Phil. Political Science


M. Phil. Public Administration


M. Phil. Sanskrit


M. Phil. Sociology


M. Phil. Zoology


M. Phil. Food Technology


M. Phil. Computer Sc. & Application


Certificate in Aerobics and Fitness (C.A.F.)


Certificate in English


Certificate in French


Certificate in Sanskrit


Certificate in Yoga



Diploma in English


Diploma in French


Diploma in Human Rights


Diploma in Sanskrit


P.G. Diploma in Marketing Management: Advertising and Sales Administration


P.G. Diploma in Museology


P.G. Diploma in Personnel Management


P.G. Diploma in Yoga Therapy


P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA)



PG Diploma In Retail Management***


PG Diploma in Financial Administration***


P.G. Diploma in Forensic Science***

























































































  Results UFM Result of BBA, MBA, LLB_3YDC_, _5YDC_ II IV, BE I,II,IV,VI,VIII Semester Result of LL.B. _3ydc_ Second Sem. _ATKT_ Exam June-2011 Result of M.Sc. _Biochemistry_ and _Biotechnology_ II Sem and MBA _CSMM-Fine_ IV Sem ATKT Exam June-2011 Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I Exam Oct.2011 Result of B.A. and B.Com First Sem Dec.2014 _Special Exam Oct.2011_ and M.Phil Botany _June-2010, June-2011_ and Sanskrit June-2011 Results of Annual Supp. Exam, LLB _3ydc_ II Sem and others results Results of BA-II Sem _ATKT_, M.Sc. Chemistry, Computer Science IV _ATKT_, MA _Economics, History_ IV _ATKT_, M.Lib. II Sem _ATK Results of B.Com Part-I, II, III _Supp_ Exam, LLB _3ydc_ IV Sem and other results Result of BDS First and Second Prof. Exam Oct. 2011 Result of B.Sc. IV Semester (Review) Result of BHMS-IV Prof. _NC_ June-2011 and Post Basic B.Sc. In Nursing-First Year Supp Exam June-2011 UFM Result of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. IInd Semester Resulf of LLB _Hons_ II Sem _Reg & STKT_, IV Sem _Regular_, PG Dip in HRD _Distance_, M.Com-IV _SOS_, B.Com Part-3 Supp Nov. 2011 Resulf of BA-IV Sem ATKT, B.Sc. IV sem ATKT, MBA _HA_ II, M.Sc. Food Nutrition, Mathematics II Sem, MA French II Sem and M.Sc. Results 07-01-2012 Results 05-01-2012 Result of M.Sc. _Botany_ IV Sem and M.Sc. Pharmaceuticals Chemistry II Sem Exam June-2011 _For SOS_ Results of BA-II and BA-IV Sem Exam June-2011 and other results Results 30-12-2011 Results of B.Sc. _ATKT_ II Sem, MBA_CSMM_ Pharma IV Sem, MA _Psychology_ IV Sem and M.Sc. _Resource Mgmt_ IV Sem June-2011 Results updated _26-12-2011_ Second and Fourth Semester Exam June-2011 Result of MBA _Full Time_ II Sem _Regular and BP_ Exam Jun-2011 Result of Post Basic B.Sc. in Nursing First Year Exam March-2011 Result of MA Political Science _Reg and BP_ II sem, MBA_RTM_ Final Year _Distance_ and MBA _CSMM_ IV Sem June-2011 Resulf of B.Sc.II Sem, B.Com-IV Sem _Reg and BP_, M.Sc. Food Tech II Sem., MA _Pol. Sci. and Sociology_ IV Sem, MBA-IV _Tourism Adm Resulf of BPT-II and III year Exam March-2011 Result of MBBS First Prof. Exam October-2011 UFM Result of B.A. IInd Year, M.A. IInd Sem., M.A. and M.Com. _Prev. and Final_ UFM Result of B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. VI Semester Result of _Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Petrochemical Second Sem and M.Sc. Math IV Sem Exam June-2011 Resulf of M.Sc. Biomedical Technology II Sem June-2011 Result of MA - Economics and Psychology II Sem, MJMC-II Sem, M.Sc. Botany _ATKT_ II Sem and M.Phil Economics II Sem Exam June-2011 Results of B.Sc. _Home Science_ IV Sem _Regular and ATKT_, M.A. English, Geography and Music IV Sem and M.Phil. Political Science Results of MA II Sem. Defence and Stat., Geography, History, Sociology and M.Sc. Botany, Molecular and Human Gen., Resource Mgmt Ph.D. Entrance Examination Result 2011 Result of B.Ed. _Session 2009-10_ 1086-JM College, Sheopur and MPT First Year Exam Dec.2011 Result of MA _Ext Edu and Soc Work_ II Sem, MCA-IV Sem, MJMC _Dist Edu_, M.Sc _Env.Chemistry_ II Sem, M.Sc. ICA II Sem, M.Sc. Ph UFM Result of B.Com. and B.Sc. Vi Sem. and B.A. Ist Year Results BBA-IV _REG and BP_, MA _ENGLISH_ SECOND _REG and BP_, MA _HINDI_ II _REG and BP_, MA _SANSKRIT_ II _REG and BP_, M.SC. CHEMIST Result of B.Com Second Semester Exam June-2011 _Regular and ATKT_ and MSc _Chemistry_ IV Sem for SOS, June-2011 Result of B. Pharmacy I, II, III and IV Year Exam March-2011 Result of BCA-VI Sem Regular and Back Paper Exam June-2011 Resulf of B.Sc. _Home Science_ II Sem Reg and BP, M.Lib. I Sem., MBA_FT_ IV Sem, MSc _Zoology_ II Sem _for SOS_, M.A. Ext.Edu. IV Results 20-11-2011 Results 14-11-2011 Result BA-I _3ydc_ First Year and B.Lib.-II Sem _Regular and BP_ Exam June-2011 Results of SOS, Jiwaji University, Second and Fourth Sem. Exam June-2011 Result of BCA-III Sem _Regular and Back Paper_ Exam Dec.2010 and BPT-III year and IV Year Exam Dec.2010 Result of B.Sc. Part-I and B.A. Part-II _Dist. Edu._ Exam March-2011 AND B.T.M. VI Sem Exam June-2011 Result of BA Sixth Semester June-2011 and B.Com _Part-I_ Dist. Edu. Exam March-2011 Results of BA Part-II and LLB _3ydc_ VI Sem Regular and Back Paper June-2011 and B.Lib and Infor.Sc. First Sem ATKT, Dec.2010 Result of MA _AIHC and Arch_ IV Sem June-2011 and MA _Fianal_ Geography and History _Dist.Edu_ and MA History III Sem BP, Dec.2010 Result of B.Sc. Sixth Semester Exam June-2011 UFM Result of B.Com. I, II and III Year, B.Sc. I, II and IIIrd Year and B.Sc. III Sem Results 18-10-2011 Result of Post Basic Nursing Second Year Exam March-2011 Result of LLB-Xth Semester Exam June-2011 Law Institute, Jiwaji University Result of Distance Education MA _Previouis_ English Litt., Geography, Hindi Literature, Political Science, Sanskrit, Sociology Result of BA _3ydc_ Part-I _Dist.Edu._, MA _Prev._ Economics _Dist.Edu_, MA _Final_ Economics _Dist.Edu._, MA _Final_ Hindi Lit Results 03-10-2011 Result of B.Com Part-II _Dist.Edu_, B.Sc. Part-II _Dist.Edu._ and MA _Prev_ Mathematics, Military Science, History, Psychology Results B.Ed. _Session 2009-10_ Ex-Students Result of B.Com and BHSc Six Sem Exam June-2011 and MA _Prev_ Hindi Lit., MJMC _Dist.Edu._ and Certificate in English Exam Dec Result of MBA _e-Commerce_ First Sem and M.Sc. _Biotech_ First Sem Exam Dec.2010 Result of DMLT _Pathology_ and DHCP _Opthalmic Assistant_ Exam Dec.20100 Result of BCA-V Sem _Back Paper_ Exam Dec.2010 UFM RESULT OF B.A. III YEAR and B.E. VII SEMESTER UFM RESULT OF B.A. Ist and IIIrd SEMESTER Results 14-09-2011 Results 14-09-2011 UFM Results Result of MA _Previous_ English Literature Exam March-2011 Result of M.Ed. _Session 2009-10_, LL.M. First Sem., PGDCA First Sem _College Code 510 and 597_ and MBA _Part Time_ VI Sem Exam Result of BCA-V Sem Exam Dec. 2010 Result of BBA-VI Sem _Reg and BP_, MA _Drawing and Painting_ First and Third Sem, MA _Previous_ Drawaing and Painting _Dist.Edu_, MA Result of BA-III Sem Exam Dec. 2010 and MA _History_ Final Year and MA _Hindi_ Final Year Exam March-2011 Result of BDS First Year Results of M.A. and M.Sc. Annual Exam Result of B.Ed. _Session 2009-10_ 342-Govt. College of Education, Gwalior and other colleges _withheld results_ M.Phil. Entrance Examination Result Results 29-08-2011 Results 24-08-2011 Result of M.Phil. _Math_ II Sem, PGDCA-II Sem _held in March 2011_ Back Paper, M.Sc. _Defence and Strategic Studies_ IV Sem Exam Results 18-08-2011 Result of B.Ed. _Session 2009-10_ Exam Dec. 2010 Result of B.Sc. III Sem. Exam Dec.2010 and B.Com. _3ydc_ Part-I, B.Sc. _3ydc_ Part-I and B.A. _3ydc_ Part-III Exam March-2011 Result of B.Com Part-II, B.Sc. Part-II. B.Sc. _Home Science_ Part-I and Part-II, MA _Final_ Drawing and Painting _Dist.Edu_ Exam Ma Result of BCA First Sem. _Regular and ATKT_, M.Sc._Chemistry_ III Sem _BP_ and MBA _RTM_ Previous _Supp. Students- Distance Educa Result of BBA-III Sem _Review_ Regular and ATKT, B.Sc._Home Science_ Part-III Year, MA _Final_ Drawing and Painting, MA _Final_ Geo Result of LLB _3ydc_ III Sem _Review_, PGDCA-First sem, MBA_CSMM_ Pharma Third Sem and M.Sc. _Industrial Chemistry_ Pharma First Result of LLB 3ydc III Sem ATKT, BALLB 5ydc V Sem, LLB Hons 5ydc III Sem ATKT, MA History III Sem SOS and Colleges UFM Result of BBA, BTM, MBA_TA_, BSC, BA, BCOM, MSC, BHSC and PGDCA Result of B.Com. and B.Sc. _3YDC_ Part-III Exam March 2011 Results 23-07-2011 Result of LLB _3ydc_ First Sem ATKT, Dec.2010 Result of M.B.B.S. Final Prof. Part-Ist Exam Feb. 2011 Result of LLB _3ydc_ I Sem, MCA-I Sem, MA Hindi-III Sem, MA _Defence and Strat._-III Sem, MSc_Chemistry-III Sem, M.Sc. Botany-III Entrance Exam Result (CET 2011 - Management Group) Entrance Exam Result (CET 2011 - Science Group Results 10-07-2011 Results 08-07-2011 Results 07-07-2011 UFM results of MA-3 sem, BCA-6 sem, BSc Nsg 1 year, B.Com-5 sem, B.Sc.-5 sem & BA-5 sem CET-11 Jiwaji University entrance test result Result of B.Com III Sem and LLB _3ydc_ III Sem. Regular, Back Paper Exam Dec.2010 Results 02-07-2011 Results of BBA-3 Sem Regular & BP, B.Sc. Home Sc. 3 Sem, PGDCA-1 ATKT, M.Sc. Biochem. 1 Sem, M.Sc. Biotech. 1 Sem, LLB 5ydc Results 28-06-2011 Result of BDS Second Prof. New and Old Course Exam Dec.2010 Result of MD MS and PG Diploma in Medicine GR Medical College, Gwalior Result of UFM _BBA-1 & 5 Sem., MBA-1 & 3 Sem, B.Com.-5 Sem. Results 24-06-2011 Resulf of MBA Full Time Third Sem. Exam Dec.2010 Results 21-06-2011 Results 19-06-2011 Resulf of B.Sc. Nursing First Year Sophia Nursing College, BAMS First Prof. and M.P.Ed. First Sem. Result of BA, B.Sc. Fifth Sem., M.Sc. Computer science First Sem., M.Sc. Microbiology Third Sem., M.Sc. Zoology Third Sem. etc. UFM Result of B.A. Ist Sem. Result of UFM B.Com Ist sem and B.Sc. Nursing IV year, B.Sc. Ist sem., M.A.III sem. Political Science, B.Lib I sem. Results 15-06-2011 Results 14-06-2011 Result of BBA-V sem. Regular & B.P., LL.B.-V sem. 3ydc Regular and B.P., M.Sc. Computer Science-III Sem. & M.Sc. Microbio Result of B.Com Fifth Sem. and M.A. Political Science III Sem For College and SOS Result of BHMS-First Year and BCA-VI BP Results 09-06-2011 Results 08-06-2011 Results 04-06-2011 Results 02-06-2011 Result of B.Sc.Nursing First Year Main and Supp Exam June-2010 Results 31-05-2011 Result of BAMS-III Prof and B.P.Ed. First Sem Exam Dec.2010 Results 30-05-2011 Result of BHMS-2 & BHMS-3 year, BCA-II BP, BCA-IV Exam June-2010 and BCA-I Sem. WH students Dec.2009 and M.Sc. Biomedical Technology First Sem. Exam Dec. 2010 Results 25-05-2011 Results BA, B.Sc. First Sem. and LLB(Hons) IX Sem. Dec. 2010 Results 18-05-2011 Results 16-05-2011 Result of B.Sc. Nursing III year Exam June-2010 Results 11-05-2011 Resulf of BHMS-IV Year Exam Dec.2010 Results 03-05-2011 Results 29-04-2011 Results 28-04-2011 Results 27-04-2011 Revised Result of M.B.A. (Full Time) IV Semester Exam June 2010 Result of M.Sc.(Nursing) Previous Result of M.Sc. _Food Technology_ Ist Semester Exam Dec 2010 Results 19-04-2011 Results 15-04-2011 Results 13-04-2011 Results 06-04-2011 Result of BCA IInd Semester Results of M.Sc.Nursing (Final) New Course and Old Course, Exam June-2010 Results in MBBS Final Prof Part-2 Results 24-03-2011 Results 18-03-2011 Results 11-03-2011 Results 01-03-2011 Notification Regarding Unfairmeans of B.A. II, IV, VI Semester Notification Regarding Unfairmeans of B.Sc. II & IV Semester Results 17-02-2011 Results 15-02-2011 Results 12-02-2011 Results 11-02-2011 Results 10-02-2011 Results 07-02-2011 Results 04-02-2011 Results 01-02-2011 Results 28-01-2011 Results 27-01-2011 Result of M.SC.(CHEMISTRY) & (FOOD NUTRITION) FOURTH SEMESTER Result of B.T.M. VI Semester (Back Paper) Result of M.Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) IInd & IV Semester Exam June 2010 Notification about Unfairmeans of M.A. (Prev. & Final), M.Com. (Final) and M.B.A. II & III Sem. Results 04-01-2011 Results 03-01-2011 Results 31-12-2010 Results 29-12-2010 Results 28-12-2010 Notification about Unfairmeans of B.Ed. 2007-08 Results 24-12-2010 Revaluation & Retotaling Result B.Ed. (Session 2007-08) Results 23-12-2010 Results 20-12-2010 Results 16-12-2010 Results 14-12-2010 Notification of Unfair Means B.A. I & II Year and B.H.Sc. II & III Year Results 10-12-2010 Results 07-12-2010 Result of M.Ch. Neurosurgery (G.R. Medical College, Gwalior) Results 05-12-2010 Results 03-12-2010 Results 02-12-2010 W.H. Result of B.C.A. Ist Semester Dec. 2009 Results 30-11-2010 Results 29-11-2010 Results 27-11-2010 Results of B.A.M.S. II PROF. EXAM. JUNE-2010 Results 26-11-2010 Results 25-11-2010 Results 23-11-2010 Results 22-11-2010 Results 20-11-2010 Results 19-11-2010 Result of M.Sc. (Botany) IV Semester Exam June 2010 (SOS) Notification of Unfair Means (B.Sc. III Year) Notification of Unfair Means (B.Sc. I & II Year) Notification of Unfair Means (B.A. III Year) Results 10-11-2010 Results 02-11-2010 Results 28-10-2010 Results 20-10-2010 Results 11-10-2010 Results 08-10-2010 Results 07-10-2010 Results 04-10-2010 Results 02-10-2010 Results 01-10-2010 Results 23-09-2010 UFM Result declare for B.Com. III year Exam Mar-Apr 2010 Results 22-09-2010 Results 20-09-2010 Results 18-09-2010 Results 17-09-2010 Result of B.A. (Jyotirvigyan) III Year Exam April 2010 Results 11-09-2010 Result of MCA VI Semester Exam June 2010 Results 07-09-2010 Results 02-09-2010 Result of LL.B. (Hons.) II Year (5YDC) III Sem. (B.P.) Exam Dec. 2009 Results 29-08-2010 Results of B.Sc. (3YDC) Part-II Exam March 2010 Results 27-08-2010 M. Phil Entrance Result 2010 Results 22-08-2010 Results 20-08-2010 Results 19-08-2010 Result of B.C.A. IV Sem.(B.P.) Results 16-08-2010 Results 14-08-2010 Results 13-08-2010 Results 12-08-2010 Result of B.Ed. (Session 2007-08) Exam-2008 Results 07-08-2010 Retotaling Result of B.A. I & III Semester Result of B.C.A. Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2009 Retotaling Result of B.Sc. Ist Sem. Exam Dec. 2009 Retotaling Result of B.Com. I Sem. Exam Dec. 2009 Retotaling Result of B.Com. III Sem. Exam Dec. 2009 Results 04-08-2010 Results 31-07-2010 Results 30-07-2010 Special Results 29-07-2010 Results 29-07-2010 Results 27-07-2010 Results 26-07-2010 Result of B.Pharmacy IV Year Results 24-07-2010 Results 23-07-2010 Results 22-07-2010 Results 21-07-2010 Results 20-07-2010 Result of M.B.A. (Full Time) Ist Semester Results 15-07-2010 B.P.Ed. Result M.P.Ed. Result Results 14-07-2010 Results 11-07-2010 Results 10-07-2010 Results 07-07-2010 Results 06-07-2010 CET 2010- Science Group Merit List CET 2010- Management Group Merit List Under Graduate Courses Entrance Examination Result-2011 Results 29-06-2011 Results 27-06-2011 Results 26-06-2011 Results 24-06-2011 Results 22-06-2011 Results 21-06-2011 Results 20-06-2011 Results 17-06-2012 Results 16-06-2012 Results 14-06-2012 Results 11-06-2012 Results of P.G. DIP.IN PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING (DIST.EDU.) EXAM.DEC.-2009 Results 08-06-2012 Results of B.Ed.(SESSION 2007-08) EXAM.-2008 NOV.DEC.2009 Results of B.Sc. NURSING IV YEAR (N.C.) EXAM. SEPT.2009 (R S C COLLEGE OF NURSING) Results 05-06-2012 Results 04-06-2012 Results 03-06-2012 B.Ed. (Session 2007-08) Results Results 29-05-2012 Results 26-05-2013 Results 21-05-2013 Results 20-05-2013 Results 19-05-2013 Results 14-05-2009 Results 13-05-2009 Results 12-05-2009 Results 11-05-2009 Results 08-05-2009 Results 06-05-2009 Results 05-05-2009 Results 04-05-2014 Results 03-05-2014 Results CET 2009 - BPED Results CET 2009 - MPED Jiwaji University Results available at First Semester Statistical Information Revised Convacation Letter Letter about Seminar M.Phil _Sociology_ First Semester Exam Dec., 2011 16 February 2012 Most Important Instructions to Principals and Senior Supdt. of Examination Regarding University UG and PG Exam 2011-12 Time Table of M.Phil. _Zoology_ First Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Result of LL.B. _3ydc_ Second Sem. _ATKT_ Exam June-2011 UFM Result of BBA, MBA, LLB_3YDC_, _5YDC_ II IV, BE I,II,IV,VI,VIII Semester 15 February 2012 Notice of SC/ST/OBC studentes regarding objections in scholarship form session 2011-12 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of LL.B. _3YDC_ and B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ IIIrd and Vth Sem. Letter Regarding Practical and CCE Marks of PGDCA Dist. Edu. Exam Sept. 2011 Time Table of M.B.B.S. First Prof. and M.B.B.S. Final Prof. Part-Two Exam Feb.-March 2012 Revised Time Table of B.D.S. Ist, IInd and IIIrd Prof. _Old and New Course_ Regular and Ex-Students Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of M.B.A. _PM_ First and Third Semester Exam Dec. 2011 14 February 2012 Notice for Colleges to Submit Merks of PR Or CCE of PGDCA II Semester Exam June, 2011 Notice for Colleges to Submit Merks of PR, VIVA Or CCE of UG first Semester Exam Dec, 2011-12 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.B.A. IIIrd and Vth Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Letter Regarding Practical and CCE Marks of PGDCA IInd Sem. Exam June 2011 Press Note Time Table of M.B.A.C.S.M Third Semester _Regular and ATKT_ Exam Dec, 2011 Time Table of MBA _BE_ and M.Phil _Economics_ First Semester _Regular and ATKT_ Exam Dec, 2011 Time Table of LL.M. First Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding M.A. _Hindi_ IIIrd Semester _Optional Paper - Premchand_ Notification Regarding Change Exam Date of B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ IX Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Change Exam Date of B.A. and B.Sc. IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 13 February 2012 Instructions for the private students appear in Annual Main Examination Letter Regarding Appeared Students through Last Counselling of B.Ed. _Session 2010-11_ Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of MBBS First Prof. and MBBS Final Prof. Part-IInd Exam Feb-Mar 2012 Time table of M.B.A. _Full Time_ First Semester Dec. 2011 Time table of MBA_HR_ 1st Semester _Regular and Back_ Time table of M.B.A. _Full Time_ Third Semester Exam, Dec, 2011 Time Table of Paramedical Courses _DMLT_ Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of B.Lib. I.Sc. First Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of B.D.S. Ist, IInd and IIIrd Prof. _Old and New Course_ Regular and Ex-Students Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Time Table of M.Lib. I.Sc. Second Semester Exam June 2011 Revised Notification of B.Ed. _Session 2010-11_ Exam Dated 17-02-2012 Changed to 01-03-2012 Notification Change Exam Date of M.A. _Political Science_ and M.Com. IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Result of M.Sc. _Biochemistry_ and _Biotechnology_ II Sem and MBA _CSMM-Fine_ IV Sem ATKT Exam June-2011 10 February 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of PG _Private_ Annual Exam March-April 2011 Time Table of M.Lib. and I.Sc. IInd Semester Exam June 2011 Time Table of M.Phil. _Environmental Science_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Time Table of B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ VIIth Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of M.B.A. _T.A._ Ist and IIIrd Sem. and B.T.M. Ist, IIIrd and Vth Semester Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I Exam Oct.2011 Result of B.A. and B.Com First Sem Dec.2010 _Special Exam Oct.2011_ and M.Phil Botany _June-2010, June-2011_ and Sanskrit June-2011 07 February 2012 Revised Notification of B.Sc. V Semester Exam (Biotechnologyh-II Paper) 06 February 2012 Notification Regarding Change of Examination Date of M.Sc. First and Third Semester Notification Regarding UG Third and Fifth Semester Change of Exam Dated 13-02-2012 Time Table of M.Sc. _Biomedical Technology_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 04 February 2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Post Basic Nursing Ist and IInd Year RDC Economics Time Table of B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ VII and IX Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Results of Annual Supp. Exam, LLB _3ydc_ II Sem and others results 03 February 2012 Most Urgent Letter BA-V Sem _Economics-II Paper Quantitative Techniques-I_ Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.Phil. _All Courses_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of MCA I and III Semester, Exam Dec. 2011 02 February 2012 Letter regarding Inspection at Dr Radharaman Swarnkar College, Lahar, Bhind Most Urgent Letter regarding B.Sc.-V Sem _Foundation-II Basic Computer Information_ Interview Committee for Ph.D. Chemistry Subject Letter about submit marks of PR, VIVA, CCE 1st Semester exam Dec, 2011-12 M.Sc. _Neuroscience_ First Semester Exam Dated 07-02-2012 Changed to 06-02-2012 Revised Time Table of B.Ed. _Session 2010-11 for M.P. Online Registered Students_ Exam Feb.-March-2012 01 February 2012 Interview Committee for Ph.D. Education Subject M.Sc. _Chemistry_ First Semster _For College ATKT_ Exam Dated 02-02-2012 Changed to 14-02-2012 31 January 2012 Date for Filling the Examination Form of Under Graduate _Private_ Annual Exam March-April 2012 B.Sc. Vth Semester Exam Dated 08-03-2012 Changed to 10-03-2012 PG Ist Semester Exam Dated 07-02-2012 Changed to 09-02-2012 Time Table of M.Sc. _Environmental Science_ III Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of M.Sc. _Geology_ and M.Sc. _Remote Sensing and GIS_ III Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of PG -- M.A., M.Sc., M.Com. and M.H.Sc. IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 30 January 2012 Letter Regarding Question Paper of B.A. IIIrd Semester Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.B.A. _CSMM_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.Lib. and I.Sc. Ist Semester and M.Lib. IInd Semester Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.Phil. _All Courses_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 _For SOS_ Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of LL.M. Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of PGDCA Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of M.B.A. _CSM_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 28 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Post Basic Nursing Ist and IInd Year Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of BDS First, Second and Third Prof. Time Table of M.Sc. _Medical Plants and Herbal Resource Management_ IIIrd Semester _For SOS_ Results of BA-II Sem _ATKT_, M.Sc. Chemistry, Computer Science IV _ATKT_, MA _Economics, History_ IV _ATKT_, M.Lib. II Sem _ATK 27 January 2012 RDC - Computer Science 25 January 2012 RDC - Home Science Time table of M.Sc. _Botany_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec., 2011 Time Table of LL.B. _3YDC_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 and LL.M. IInd Semester _For Old Course Students_ Time Table of B.Ed. Session 2010-11 _For M.P. Online Registered Students_ Results of B.Com Part-I, II, III _Supp_ Exam, LLB _3ydc_ IV Sem and other results 24 January 2012 Letter regarding of Bundal Code for answer book Letter to Principal for Distt. Flying Squad for Semester Examination December 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam form of M.C.A. Ist and IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Result of BDS First and Second Prof. Exam Oct. 2011 23 January 2012 Election of teachers for court Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ VII and IX Sem. and LL.M. Ist Semester Letter Regarding Question Paper Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.T.M. Ist, IIIrd and Vth Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.Sc. _Petrochemical_ Ist Semester _Back Paper_ RDC - Sanskrit RDC - Law Time Table for MCA V Semester Regular, Back, Ex-Student Exam, Dec. 2011 Time table of M.Sc. 1st semester _Biomedical Technology_ _Regular and ATKT_ Dec. 2011, for SOS Time table of M.Sc. 1st semester _Biomedical Technology_ _Regular and ATKT_ Dec. 2011, for SOS Result of B.Sc. IV Semester (Review) Result of BHMS-IV Prof. _NC_ June-2011 and Post Basic B.Sc. In Nursing-First Year Supp Exam June-2011 20 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of PGDCA Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.Phil. _All Courses_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 _For SOS_ Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.Lib. and I.Sc. Ist Semester and M.Lib. IInd Semester Suchana in Philoshpy Sodh Upadi Suchana in Chemistry Sodh Upadi Suchana in Moicro-biology Sodh Upadi 19 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.B.A. _All Courses_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Diploma and Certificate in English and French Press Note Notification Regarding Change Date of B.A. IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of M.Sc. _Food Technology_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 17 January 2012 RDC - Zoology 16 January 2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Paramedical Diploma Courses Time Table of UG B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and B.H.Sc. IIIrd and Vth Semester Exam Dec. 2011 UFM Result of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. IInd Semester Resulf of LLB _Hons_ II Sem _Reg & STKT_, IV Sem _Regular_, PG Dip in HRD _Distance_, M.Com-IV _SOS_, B.Com Part-3 Supp Nov. 2011 15 January 2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination Form of B.A., B.Com, B.Sc. and B.Sc._Home Science_ IIIrd and Vth Semester Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom, MSc and MHSC Third Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam form of M.B.A. _All Courses_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 13 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Diploma and Certificate in English and French _For SOS_ Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of B.A.LL.B. _5YDC_ VII and IX Sem. and LL.M. Ist Semester Letter Regarding Project Marks of M.Sc. _Bio-Tech._ IInd Semester Exam June 2011 Letter to Principal Shivshankar College, Sumavali Regarding Practical Marks of B.A. VIth Semester Time Table of M.Phil. _English_ IInd Semester Exam June 2011 _For SOS_ Time Table of M.A. _Drawing and Painting_ IInd and IVth Semester Exam June 2011 Time Table of M.Sc. _Zoology_ IIIrd Semester Exam Dec. 2011 _For SOS_ 12 January 2012 Notice regarding Enrolment Form for Colleges Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom, MSc and MHSC First Sem. _ATKT_ Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.B.A. _H.R.D._ and M.B.A. _Finance_ IIIrd Semester Time Table of PG - M.A., M.Sc., M.Com. and M.H.Sc. Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Time Table of LL.B. _3YDC_ Ist Semester _Regular, ATKT and Ex-Students_- New Syllabus Resulf of BA-IV Sem ATKT, B.Sc. IV sem ATKT, MBA _HA_ II, M.Sc. Food Nutrition, Mathematics II Sem, MA French II Sem and M.Sc. 11 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination Form of B.A. IIIrd and Vth Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 RDC Suchana 10 January 2012 URGENT LETTER - ONLINE "NEW EXAM FORM" F.D.R. 09 January 2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom,MSc and MHSC Third Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination Form of B.Com, B.Sc. and B.Sc._Home Science_ IIIrd and Vth Sem. Exam 08 January 2012 Notification about Centre list for M.Ed. _Session 2010-11_ Exam Jan-2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Distance Education 07 January 2012 Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom,MSc and MHSC First Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Results 06 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of Paramedical Diploma Courses Letter Regarding Practical, Project and CCE Marks of B.A. IInd Sem. Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of M.C.A. Vth Semester Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam form of M.B.A. _All Courses_ Ist Semester Exam Dec. 2011 05 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom, MSc and MHSC First Sem. _ATKT_ Exam Dec. 2011 Results 04 January 2012 Notification Regarding M.Sc. _Chemistry_ IVth Sem _Back Paper_ Exam June 2011 Result of M.Sc. _Botany_ IV Sem and M.Sc. Pharmaceuticals Chemistry II Sem Exam June-2011 _For SOS_ 03 January 2012 RDC Circular Revised Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom,MSc and MHSC First Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Results of BA-II and BA-IV Sem Exam June-2011 and other results 02 January 2012 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination Form of B.Com, B.Sc. and B.Sc._Home Science_ IIIrd and Vth Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Examination form of MA, MCom,MSc and MHSC Third Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Notification Regarding Date for Filling the Exam Form of MJMC Ist and IIIrd Sem. Exam Dec. 2011 Most Urgent - Sylabus of Papers -- MA, MCom, MSC and MHSC Third Sem Exam Dec.2011 01 January 2012 Centre List for BBA and BCA _Seesion 2011-12_ Exam Sanskrit Exam Results Oct/June 2011. Jiwaji University B.Com First Sem Results 2011, Jiwaji University BA First Sem Results 2011, Jiwaji University Final MBBS Part I Results 2011, Jiwaji University Final MBBS Results 2011, Jiwaji University M.Phil Second Sem Results 2011, Jiwaji University Results 2011, JU B.Com First Semester Results 2010, JU BA First Sem Results 2011, JU Final MBBS Part I Results 2011, JU Final MBBS Results 2011, JU M.Phil Botany II Semester Results 2010, JU M.Phil Results 2011, JU M.Phil Sanskrit II Semester Results 2011, JU Results 2011 Jiwaji Univ Results 2011 are available for L.L.M II Semester (ATKT), M.A (Defance/Strat. Studies) IV Sem, M.A (Eco) IV Semester, M.A (Hindi) IV Semester, M.A (History) IV Sem (For SOS), M.A (History) IV Semester (For Colleges), M.A (Jyotirvigyan) IV Semester, M.A (Sanskrit) IV Sem, M.B.A (E-Commerce) IV Semester, M.B.A (FULL Time) IV Semester (ATKT), M.Phil (Zoology) II Semester, M.Sc Madhya Pradesh (DLN): Jiwaji University results for March 2011 exams of M.Sc, B.Sc, MA and B.Com have been announced. Jiwaji University results are available for M.Sc Math III Sem, B.Com (3YDC) Part II (Distance Education), B.Sc (3YDC) Part II (Distance Education) Exam, M.A (Previous) History, M.A (Previous) Military Science, M.A (Previous) Psychology and M.Sc (Previous) Military Science Exams. (Kota Univ.) Result of M.Sc (Chem.) Final Yr (Reval.) 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of M.Com II Year (Correspondence) Exam (Jiwaji) Result of B.A. VI Semester Exam June 2011 More Results :: (DRML) Result of B.A Part-I/II/III (Backpaper) 2011 24/01/2012 (Jiwaji) B.H.M.S. IV Prof (New Course) Exam June 2011 (Mysore Univ.) Result of B.C.A I Sem Exam Nov-Dec 2011 More Results :: 23/01/2012 (DRML) Result of B.Sc Part-I/III (Backpaper) Examination 2011 (ICG (Autonomous)) Result of Semester V Exam Nov. 2011 More Results :: (IIS Univ.) Result of Semester I Examination Nov. 2011 More Results :: (YVU) Result of M.Sc (Biotech.) I Sem Exam Dec 2011 More Results :: (Kota Univ.) Result of LL.B.IV Semester Exam 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) Result of Post Basic Nursing (Prev.) Exam 2011 More Results :: 21/01/2012 (Ranchi Univ.) Result of L.L.B II/IV Semester Examination July 2011 (KSWU) Result of B.Com I/III Semester Exam November 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of M.B.A I Semester (Reval.) Examination 2011 (Sambalpur Uni.) Result of II Prof. M.B.B.S (Suppl.) Exam July 2011 20/01/2012 (CSVTU) Result of B.E IV Semester (Backlog) Examination 2011 (Krishna Univ.) Result of LL.B/BA.LLB III Semester Examination (KKHSOU) Routine for BCA I/III/V And BBA I/III Sem Exam 2012 19/01/2012 (Kota Univ.) Result of M.B.A IV Semester Examination 2012 (RUHS) Result of B.Pharma Part-III Examination 2011 (prov allow) (Bhavnagar Univ.) Result of P.G.D.C.A/P.D.D.C Exam December 2011 18/01/2012 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.C.A Part-I (Reval.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (KSWU) Result of B.Ed (Annual) Examination November 2011 (Bhavnagar Univ.) Result of Engineering Examination December 2011 17/01/2012 (HNBGU) Result of Ph.D/M.Phil (English) Examination 2010 (Jiwaji) B.A.L.L.B I Yr (Hons) II Sem Exam June 2011 More Results :: (DRML) Result of U.G (Backpaper/Improvement) and P.G Exam 2011 (Bhavnagar Univ.) Result of M.B.B.S II/III Yr. Exam Dec 2011 (Uptd.) 16/01/2012 (CSVTU) Result of M.C.A. V Sem (back) Exam 2011 More Results :: (YVU) Result of I Yr II Sem BL III Yr Law Exam July 2011 More Results :: (KSWU) Result of B.Com III Sem Exam Nov 2011 More Results :: (Krishna Univ.) Result of B.Ed. (Suppl.) Exam 2011 More Results :: 13/01/2012 (Anna Univ Coimbatore ) Results for UG-PG-MBA Nov/Dec 2011 Examinations 12/01/2012 (Kota Univ.) Result of M.Phil (Economics) Examination (KKHSOU) Result of Ph.D Coursework (Batch 2010) Oct 2011 (Sambalpur Uni.) M.C.A (Distance Edu.) V Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Uni.) B.B.M I Yr Corrosp. Course 2011 More Results :: 11/01/2012 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.A Part-III (Reval.) Exam 2011 10/01/2012 (Kota Univ.) Result of M.Ed Examination 2011 (Bhavnagar Univ.) Result of M.A Part-I Examination November 2011 09/01/2012 (Jiwaji) Result of M.Phil (Chemistry) I Sem Exam 2010 More Results :: (Kota Univ.) Result of B.A. Part II (Reval.) Exam 2011 07/01/2012 (SKU) Result of B.Ed (Adv.) (suppl.) Examination December 2011 06/01/2012 (HNBGU) Result of B.Ed Examination 2010 (Center-190 Updated) (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Sc Part I (Reval.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) Result of M.Sc (Botany) IV Semester Exam 2011 More Results :: 05/01/2012 (YVU) Result of M.Sc (Botany) III Sem Exam Nov 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) Result of B.Ed (Session 2009-2010) Exam 2010 More Results :: (KKHSOU) Result of B.A II Year Examination 2011 04/01/2012 (Ranchi Univ) BA/B.Sc/ (Hons.) Vocational Part-I Exam 2011 (RUHS) Result of B.D.S Part II (New Scheme) Exam 2011 More Results :: (CSVTU) Result of B.E VIII Semester (Backlog) Examination 2011 (IIS Univ.) Result of M.B.A Trimester IV Exam, October 2011 03/01/2012 (Krishna Univ.) M.A (Telugu/Social Work)/M.H.R.M III Sem Exam Result (MJPRU) Result of B.A III Year (Improv.) Exam 2011 More Results :: 02/01/2012 (YVU) Result of M.Sc (Microbiology) III Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (KSW, Bijapur) Result of B.C.A I/III/V Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of B.A III Year Back Paper Examination 2011 31/12/2011 (RUHS) Result of B.D.S Pt-III(New Scheme) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) Result of B.B.A II Semester Exam June 2011 More Results :: (DRML) Result of M.D.S Final Year (Orthodontics) Exam 2010 (Regular) (HNBGU) Result of B.A II Year Back Paper Examination 2011 30/12/2011 (MJPRU) Result of B.A Part-I (Improvement) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) B.Com II Year (Correspondence Course) Exam 2011 (Jiwaji) Result of B.Sc II Sem (ATKT) Exam June 2011 More Results :: 29/12/2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Sc (I.T) Part-I (Reval.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (KSW, Bijapur) Result of B.B.A III Semester Examination 2011 (CSVTU) Result of B.Pharm VI Sem Back Exam 2011 More Results :: (Univ. of Delhi) Result of M.Sc/M.A/B.A/B.Com Examination 2011 (KTE) Result of Diploma in Engg./Techno./Comm. Exam 2011 (Rev 03) 28/12/2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of M.Sc (Maths) I Yr Examination 2011 (KSW, Bijapur) Result of B.F.T V Sem Exam Nov. 2011 More Results :: (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Com Part-II (Reval.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of B.Ed Examination 2010 More Results :: (MJPRU) Result of M.Sc. Final Year Imp. Exam 2011 More Results :: 27/12/2011 (Jiwaji) Result of L.L.M II Semester(ATKT) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Kota Univ.) M.Com (Final) (Reval.) A.B.S.T Exam 2011 More Results :: (Krishna Univ.) Result of M.Sc./M.A. III Semester Examination 2011 26/12/2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of L.L.B Part-II (Suppl.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of M.A. (English) Final Yr. (Back Paper) More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of II yr BBM (correspondence courses) 24/12/2011 (Krishna Univ.) Result of M.B.A III Semester Examination 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of M.Phil (Sanskrit) Examination 2011 23/12/2011 (RUHS) Prog. for I/II/III M.B.B.S (Main/Remanded) Exam, Jan 2012 (VSU) Result of B.Ed Degree Examination December 2011 (Krishna Univ.) Result of M.C.A III Semester Examination 2011 (Jiwaji) Result of M.B.A (Full Time) II sem Exam June 2011 More Results :: (Kota Univ.) Result of M.B.A II Semester Exam 2011 More Results :: (KKHSOU) Interv. schedule for Acad. Consul./Appl. form for Ph.D Prog. 22/12/2011 (Sambalpur Univ.) Result of BHMS I (Supl.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (YVU) M.Sc (Env. Sc.) II Year (III Sem) Exam Nov 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.Com I Semester Examination 2011 (Mysore Univ.) B.Ed (CBCS) I Sem Exam Nov-Dec 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) B.Pharm Part-II (Old Scheme) Exam 2011 More Results :: 21/12/2011 (Bhavnagar Univ.) Result of M.Sc (Info. Tech.) I Sem Exam Nov 2011 (VSU) Result of B.A I Year Exam September 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) Result of M.A (Political Science) IV Semester Exam June 2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.Com III Semester Examination 2011 (HNBGU) Result of M.A. (Maths) Final Yr. (Back Paper) More Results :: 20/12/2011 (HNBGU) Result of M.Ed Entrance Examination 2010 More Results :: (Kumaun Univ.) Result of B.A. I year (Improvement) Exam 2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.A. I sem Exam 2011 (Bhavnagar Uni.) M.Com Pt-I/II (Reg/Extern)/M.H.R.D Pt-II Exam 2011 (IIS Univ.) Result of M.B.A Trimester I Examination October 2011 19/12/2011 (KKHSOU) Result of B.Com/B.B.A/B.M.C II year Exam 2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of M.Sc (Maths) II yr Corrospondence Course (Jiwaji) Result of B.Sc. II Semester Exam June 2011 More Results :: (Krishna Univ.) Result of M.Pharm II Semester Examination 2011 (HNBGU) M.A. (Education)-Final Year (Back Paper) More Results :: 18/12/2011 (RUHS) Final BDS(Old Scheme) Held in August More Results :: 17/12/2011 (Kota Uni.) Result of B.B.A. Part-III (Reval.) Exam 2011 (RUHS) B.Pharma. Part-III (New Scheme) Exam August 2011 16/12/2011 (HNBGU) B.Sc. (Biotech. With Z.B.C.) III yr. 2011 More Results :: 15/12/2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of L.L.B PART-III (Suppl.) Exam 2011 (Jiwaji) Result of M.Sc Botany II Sem Exam June 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of B.Ed Examination 2010 (VIT) Notification for VIT Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) 2012 (Sambalpur Univ.) Result of M.B.A (Distance Educ.) I Sem Exam 2011 14/12/2011 (Ranchi Univ.) Result of L.L.B Final (Part-III) VI Sem Exam 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Sc Part-II Remaining (Reval.) Exam 2011 (Krishna Univ.) Result of P.G II Semester (Revaluation) More Results :: 13/12/2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Sc.(BioTech.) Pt-I (Reval.) 2011 More Results :: (Ranchi Univ.) Result of Science and Commerce Part-I 2011 (CSVTU) Result of D.Pharma I Year Backlog Exam More Results :: (RUHS) B.Pharma. Part-III (Old Scheme) Exam June-July 2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.Sc I Semester Exam 2011 More Results :: 12/12/2011 (SKU) Result of B.A I year Examination 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) Result of B.P.T. Part-III Exam May 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.A Part-II (Revalution) Examination 2011 (CSMU) MBBS I Prof. New Ptrn.(Suppl.)(Pass) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.Com Vth Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (VIDU) Result of B.Sc (General) Part-I Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of M.A (Eco.) Previous Year (Back Paper) More Results :: (KKHSOU) Result of B.A/B.B.A/B.M.C/B.Com/B.C.A Exam 2011 10/12/2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.C.A Part-III Suppl. Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) B.Ed Examination Result 2010 (Updated) 09/12/2011 (Jiwaji) Result of M.A English IV Sem (ATKT) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.A Vth Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: 08/12/2011 (DTER) Result of NCVT (Elect./Mech./Steno./Other Trades) Exam 2011 (TNOU) Time Table for U.G. Programme Term/Exam Jan 2012 (Ranchi Univ.) Result of M.A/M.Com Part-I Exam 2011 More Results :: 07/12/2011 (Kumaun Univ.) Answer Key of L.L.M Entr. Exam 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) Result of M.Sc. Botany II Sem (SOS) Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of B.Com III Year 2011 (Back Paper) 06/12/2011 (HNBGU) Result of B.Com I Year 2011 (Back Paper) (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Ed Examination 2011 05/12/2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.H.M III Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (DTU) Notification for Recruitment at Faculty Positions (Kota Univ.) Result of B.A. Part-III (Suppl.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of M.Sc (Mathematics) Previous Year (Back Paper) (Jiwaji) M.Sc. I.C.A. II Sem Exam June 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) B.Sc. Nursing Part-II (New Scheme) Exam 2011 More Results :: 03/12/2011 (Ranchi Uni.) Results of M.Sc. Part-I Exam 2011 (DRML) Result of M.B.B.S II/M.B.B.S III Part-I Prof. Exam 2011 (Jiwaji) Result of B.B.A. IV Sem (ATKT) Exam June 2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.B.M III Semester Exam 2011 02/12/2011 (HNBGU) Result of M.Sc Final Year (Back Paper) 2011 (CSGMU) MBBS Final Prof. Part-II (Suppl.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) Result of M.B.B.S III Prof. Part-I (Rem.) Exam, August-2011 (Kumaun Univ.) B.Com Part-III (After Improvement) Exam Result 2011 01/12/2011 (MDSU) B.Ed Exam Result 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.A. Part-III (Reval.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (HNBGU) Result of M.Sc Previous Year (Back Paper) (MGSU, Bikaner) Result of LLB Part-I (Supp.) Exam 2011 More Results :: 30/11/2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.Com III Yr. (Annual Scheme) Exam 2011 (SKU) Result of B.Ed (Revaluation) Examination, August 2011 (RVSKVV, Gwalior) Admission Notification for Ph.D Programme 29/11/2011 (Kota Univ.) B.Com Part-I (Supp.) Exam 2011 More Results :: (RUHS) B.O.T Part-I Exam June-2011 More Results :: (Bangalore Univ.) Result of BCA III Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: (Jiwaji) B.Com II Semester Exam June 2011 More Results :: (KU) Result of L.L.B/B.A.L.L.B IInd Semester (Revaluation) 28/11/2011 (Kalyani Univ.) B.Com (III Yr Deg) Hon. Part-I Exam 2011 More Results :: (Sambhalpur Univ.) Result of M.B.A(Dist. Edu.)1st Year Exam 2010 (Andra Univ.) Results of D.Pharm II/VI Degree Exam Sep 2011 (KLE Univ.) Result of M.D Part-I (Ayurved) Exam Nov. 2011 27/11/2011 (RUHS) B.Sc. Nur. Part-I (New Scheme) Reval Exam-2011 (HNBGU) B.Ed Examination Result 2010 26/11/2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of BSC Vth Semester Exam 2011 (Tata Institute, Mumbai) Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC (IIST) Notification for IIST Entrance Test (ISAT) 2012 (Barkatullah Univ.) Time Table for B.Ed Exam December 2011 (HNBGU,Uttarakhand) Result of M.Com (Prev. Year) After Back Paper 25/11/2011 (Jiwaji) B.C.A. VI Sem Exam June 2011 More Results :: (CSGMU) MBBS Final Prof. Part-II (Pass) Exam 2011 More Results :: (Kakatiya Univ.) Time Table for MCA II/II Practical Exam 2011 (Gautam Buddha Univ.) Notification for Admission to Ph.D Programme (HNBGU,Uttarakhand) Result of M.Com (Final Year) Back Paper 24/11/2011 (Bangalore Univ.) Result of B.B.M Vth Sem Exam Oct/Nov 2011 (YVU) M.B.A Ist Year (II Sem) Result July/August 2011 23/11/2011 (Kerala Univ.) Result of final year L.L.B Mercy chance Exam may 2011 (Telangana Univ.) Application Form for Registration (Banglore Univ) Result of BCA V Sem Exam 2011 More Results :: 22/11/2011 (TNOU) Examination Application Form (DRML) M.Sc. Home Science Previous/Final Food And Nutrition Results (Jiwaji) M.A. Geography II Sem (ATKT) Exam June 2011 More Results :: (RPSC) Notification For Zila Samaj Kalyan Adhikari Post (JNU, New Delhi) Recruitment for Assistant Professor (MGSU) B.Ed Exam Result 2011 21/11/2011 (MJPRU) B.Ed Exam Result 2011 (Updated) (MGIHU) Results of M.A(Hindi)/MILSc and Notification 20/11/2011 (RUHS) B.Pharma Part IV (New Sc.heme) Exam Aug 2011 More Results :: 19/11/2011 (Krishna Univ.) Fee Notification B.A/B.Com/B.Sc/B.B.M/B.C.A 2012 (Krishna Univ.) Reval. Result of B.A/B.Com/B.Sc Exam 2011 (DRML) B.D.S. Ist Reval/M.B.B.S.First Prof. Batch- 2010 - 2011 Exam (SVU) Notification for Transitory Provision of Three Attempt Papers 18/11/2011 (KKHSOU) Syllabus of M.A and Result of B.A Final Examination 2011 (Kota Univ.) Result of B.Com Part II (Reval.) 2011 More Results :: (Vinoba Bhave Univ.) Result B.A/B.Sc/B.Com (Voc. Hnrs) Part II (RUHS) Result of Third Prof.M.B.B.S. Part-II Exam 2011 17/11/2011 (MDSU) BA Part III Suppl. Exam Result 2011 More Results :: (RPSC) Result of Lecturer of Low/Selected candidate 16/11/2011 (Sambalpur Univ.) Result of MCA (Distance Edu.) II Sem Exam 2010 (DRML) Result of M.B.B.S Part-I/III(Part II) & B.Tech (IT) I Sem Exam Results - Jiwaji University, Gwalior JIWAJI UNIVERSITY G WALI OR CET-11 Jiwaji University entrance test result JIWAJI UNIVERSITY G WALI OR Jiwaji University MBBS Second Professional Exam Result 2011 Jiwaji University BHMS 3rd Professional Exam Result 2011| Jiwaji Jiwaji University LLB Exam Result 2011| Jiwaji University I Year LLB :- Jiwaji University BCOM I Sem Exam Result 2011| Jiwaji University Jiwaji University BA, BSc, BCom Result : Result ba 1st year private exam result 2011 jiwaji university gwalior in Real Jiwaji University, Gwalior:: Result of LL.B. I Yr. 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