Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FINFacts April 27, 2011

Dear FINfacts reader,


We hope you enjoy this week's edition of FINfacts which you will find below.  We would also like to take a moment and encourage you to join over 2800 other commercial real estate professionals who have joined the George Smith Partners/FINfacts Linked In Group.

In this group you will gain access to some of the brightest minds in commercial real estate and some of the most current information regarding commercial real estate financing.  To join please click on the link below and enter your email address and Linked in password.


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Volume XIX  |  No. 16  |  April 27, 2011
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.21% 5 Yr US Treasury  2.06% 5 Yr Swaps  2.25%
12-MAT  0.30% 3 Month LIBOR  0.27% 10 Yr US Treasury  3.36% 10 Yr Swaps  3.42%
11th Dist COFI  1.47% 6 Month LIBOR  0.43% 30 Yr US Treasury  4.45%    
Transactions of the Week
Transaction Description:
Joint Venture Equity for Partially-Entitled land GSP arranged a $19,000,000 Joint Venture equity investment for the acquisition of a partially-entitled land assemblage. The Los Angeles (Hollywood) California site will be developed with 200 multifamily units and ground floor retail.

Challenge: The client required a JV equity partner who was comfortable closing not only with development risk, but also a planned re-entitlement from its current office and hotel use. The JV equity partner had to be willing to close without debt and wait through the re-entitlement process. As the sponsor does not intend to break-ground for 12 to 15 months, costs are uncertain and the investor is exposed to both capital market and lease-up risk.

Solution: GSP capitalized on its strong equity relationships to secure an institutional investor that understands the client's business plan; i.e. infill apartment construction in Los Angeles. The investor we selected has similar goals to those of our client; to invest on a programmatic basis, and willing to hold long-term. GSP worked with the client and investor to mitigate and explain the entitlement process, and to substantiate the high pro-forma returns that justify such risks. The purchase closed on terms as negotiated without debt.

Proceeds:  $19,000,000 initial funding

Co-invest:  95%/5% pari passu promote w/waterfall profit distribution

BrokersGary E. Mozer, Steven Orchard, Josh Roseman, Michelle Lee


Multifamily Non-Recourse Bridge to Perm Debt A national capital provider has launched a non-recourse turn-around bridge program for multifamily assets including manufactured and student housing. Quick close refinance or purchase DPOs are also considered. Unlike traditional Agency Gateway bridge product, this program will fund major capital improvements for an eventual Fannie or Freddie take-out. Cash flow must be in place at funding although an interest reserve may be included to 75% of total capitalization. The two year LIBOR based floater has no prepayment penalty and the lender will waive agency origination fees if rolled into their perm upon asset stabilization.
Transaction Size: $5,000,000 to $75,000,000
Rate: 5.0% - 7.0%
Loan Term: 2 years
Amort: Interest Only
Max LTC: 75%
Property Types: Multifamily
Fees: 1 point
Geography: Nationwide
Hot Money
National HOA Capital Improvement Loan Program A nationwide lender is offering non-recourse property improvement debt to cash flowing Home Owners Associations for capital upgrades up to $5,000,000. Projects may range from re-sealing the exterior of buildings to the instillation of a new swimming pool. Collateral is the assignment of HOA dues - there are no individual liens and thus no need for partial releases. Loans self-amortize over 10 years upon construction completion. There is no prepayment penalty. Five and 10 year fixed rates are available starting at 6% fixed for five years.  This nationwide program does not have a prepayment penalty.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, asset sales or advisory services, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer at (310) 867-2995 or
Stars to Watch
GSP Senior Vice President Steven Orchard is featured in Commercial Property Executive's April edition as one of 10 Stars to Watch.  CPE selected 10 rising stars under 40 from various commercial real estate industry aspects: investment, development, finance, services and research.  We at George Smith Partners congratulate Steven on being recognized as an industry leader.  The complete article may be found on line at:
Speakers Corner
Founding Principal and Senior Director Steve Bram will participate in a panel discussion at the Crittenden Conference in Las Vegas on May 3rd and 4th.  Registration and more information on the conference may be found at:
Come Grow With Us
George Smith Partners is expanding its team of top-notch mortgage brokers/originators.  We offer highly competitive compensation and an excellent environment in which to work, learn and be supported.  We invite you to consider a career with George Smith Partners.  Please direct confidential inquiries to Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 897-2995
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©2011 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FINFacts April 20, 2011

Dear FINfacts reader,


We hope you enjoy this week's edition of FINfacts which you will find below.  We would also like to take a moment and encourage you to join over 2700 other commercial real estate professionals who have joined the George Smith Partners/FINfacts Linked In Group.

In this group you will gain access to some of the brightest minds in commercial real estate and some of the most current information regarding commercial real estate financing.  To join please click on the link below and enter your email address and Linked in password.


George Smith Partners/FINfacts Linked In Group



Volume XIX  |  No. 15  |  April 20, 2011
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.21% 5 Yr US Treasury  2.15% 5 Yr Swaps  2.27%
12-MAT  0.30% 3 Month LIBOR  0.27% 10 Yr US Treasury  3.41% 10 Yr Swaps  3.46%
11th Dist COFI  1.47% 6 Month LIBOR  0.43% 30 Yr US Treasury  4.47%    
Transactions of the Week
Transaction Description:
Spec Home Construction Loan GSP successfully placed a non-recourse acquisition and construction loan for an investor to acquire a tear-down single family residence and build a new ground-up spec home to be sold upon certificate of occupancy.

Challenge: The borrower was in escrow to purchase a small 1950's bungalow on a large lot in a desirable Los Angeles residential market. The borrower needed funds to close quickly in addition to funding construction costs going forward.

Solution: GSP demonstrated the excellent location, construction concept, borrower's track record, and strength in the local market to a private lender who funded 100% of the purchase price and provided additional development dollars for construction. GSP established the lender's low risk position using current for-sale information and the exit sale probability of the borrowers' completed project. Because of the ample market information presented by GSP, the lender did not require an appraisal and was comfortable funding the 75% loan-to-cost transaction.
Rate: 13.0%
Term: 1 year + extensions
Amort: Interest Only
LTC: 75%
Prepayment: None
Lender Fee: 2.0%
Broker:  Jonathan Lee
Turn-Around Non-Recourse Bridge Debt A national institutional capital provider has rolled out a non-recourse reposition program funding transactions below break-even coverage. Ground-up construction is excluded although acquisitions with no cash flow at close are viable. Total loan-to-cost of 70% for loans from $5,000,000 to $20,000,000 are advanced at LIBOR + 400 to 700 bpts. The lender will charge a 1 point origination fee with a 1 point exit fee.
Transaction Size: $5,000,000 - $20,000,000
Rate: L + 400 to 700
Max LTC: 70%
Prepayment: 1 point exit
Fees: 1 point
Geography: Nationwide
Hot Money
National HOA Capital Improvement Loan Program A nationwide lender is offering non-recourse property improvement debt to cash flowing Home Owners Associations for capital upgrades up to $5,000,000. Projects may range from re-sealing the exterior of buildings to the instillation of a new swimming pool. Collateral is the assignment of HOA dues - there are no individual liens and thus no need for partial releases. Loans self-amortize over 10 years upon construction completion. There is no prepayment penalty. Five and 10 year fixed rates are available starting at 6% fixed for five years.  This nationwide program does not have a prepayment penalty.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, asset sales or advisory services, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer at (310) 867-2995 or
Joint Venture Investor Safety Comes First

Small developers are eternally struggling to raise local equity for capital investments of untested development and reposition projects.  Winning the hearts and minds of new investors is usually about safety first - protecting the investors' cash investment.  A good investment prospectus shifts the discussion from trusting your instincts to accepting a sensible business plan.  This is especially important when your investors are family, friends, or long time business associates.  It is only after you demonstrate your duty of care to the investor, that your investment return model really lights up.

The process starts with evaluating how the framework of the ownership structure is established.  Who and how many loan guarantors will there be in the ownership?  How will funds be escrowed and dispersed?  What is the experience level of the person driving the transaction?

Thankfully small balance non-recourse CMBS financing has finally returned for stabilized multifamily, office, retail, and industrial assets for loan sizes between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000.  This is a welcomed relief to syndicated ownership structures where no one investor will guarantee the debt.

Syndicating and managing a joint venture partnership is no simple exercise.  All available resources should be leveraged in your endeavor to organize and structure your partnership and protect your investors' capital.  Ameet Chagan

Pascale's Perspective
US Debt Downgrade?........QE2.5?   Standard and Poors issuing a "negative" outlook for US debt was a warning from the agencies that a downgrade from AAA is possible.  This would significantly increase borrowing costs for the government and lead to higher rates across the board.  The fixed income markets, including Treasuries, did not react with selling or panic.  Is it a "non-event" or a "wait and see"?  Many are hoping that it will add a sense of urgency to real broad based deficit reduction.  Fed Watch:  Fed chairman Bernanke indicated that while the Fed may stop purchasing treasuries and MBS in June (the end of Quantitative Easing), the central bank may "rollover" maturing debt into the markets.  This would allow a gradual end to the Fed involvement, hopefully avoiding a shock to the system during recovery.  Stay tuned..... David R. Pascale, Jr.
Come Grow With Us
George Smith Partners is expanding its team of top-notch mortgage brokers/originators.  We offer highly competitive compensation and an excellent environment in which to work, learn and be supported.  We invite you to consider a career with George Smith Partners.  Please direct confidential inquiries to Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 897-2995
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©2011 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

FINFacts April 13, 2011

Dear FINfacts reader,

We hope you enjoy this week's edition of FINfacts which you will find below.  We would also like to take a moment and encourage you to join over 2700 other commercial real estate professionals who have joined the George Smith Partners/FINfacts Linked In Group.

In this group you will gain access to some of the brightest minds in commercial real estate and some of the most current information regarding commercial real estate financing.  To join please click on the link below and enter your email address and Linked in password.


Volume XIX  |  No. 14  |  April 13, 2011
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.22% 5 Yr US Treasury  2.19% 5 Yr Swaps  2.38%
12-MAT  0.30% 3 Month LIBOR  0.28% 10 Yr US Treasury  3.48% 10 Yr Swaps  3.56%
11th Dist COFI  1.47% 6 Month LIBOR  0.44% 30 Yr US Treasury  4.55%    
Transactions of the Week
Transaction Description:
Cash-Out Refinance for a 50 Key Limited Service Hotel GSP arranged the cash-out refinance of a limited service extended stay hotel in Culver City, California. This fully stabilized hotel maintained consistent cash flow through the economic downturn.

Challenge: Due to market conditions, hospitality properties are difficult to finance. The borrower also required a return of their initial capital investment and a low mortgage constant to preserve their net cash flow. Several of the investors were only willing to guarantee on a pro-rata basis to their level of investment.

Solution: GSP was able to demonstrate that the property's consistent occupancy and superior location warranted debt financing for this less-than traditional product type. GSP mitigated the lenders' recourse concerns with the low leverage and length of ownership. The 30 year amortized schedule also provided a low mortgage constant for improved cash flow.
Rate: 6.25% fixed for 5 years
Term: 30 years
Amort: 30 years
LTV: 50%
BrokerShahin Yazdi
Transaction Description:
$38,000,000 12-Month Forward Take-Out Commitment for a 50,000 sf Santa Monica Medical Facility GSP obtained a 12-month forward commitment to provide a take-out for the construction debt on a partially-constructed three-story 50,000 sf outpatient surgery facility. The center is pre-leased to an investment-grade tenant. The facility, to be complete in December 2011, features special improvements for imaging and radiation services, a robotic six-floor subterranean parking garage, and LEED Gold certification.

Challenge: Due to inflation concerns, the borrower wanted to lock-in today's long-term rates - 12 months prior to completing construction. Until recently, forward take-out commitments were constrained to six-months and rate-lock premiums were prohibitive. The building is valued at more than $1,200/sf.

Solution: GSP solicited conduits, bond issuers, and portfolio lenders (life companies & pension funds) to identify a lender willing to lock rate today for a 12 month forward funding. GSP highlighted the quality of the real estate & borrower, and built a strong case to support the property's high valuation. The Sponsor selected a life company loan at a competitive rate, locked at application in February 2011, with a forward premium of 4 bps per month. The lender was distinguished by their understanding of the location & tenant, their willingness to commit 12 months before funding, and the trusted relationship they developed with GSP and the client.
Rate: 5.67% fixed
Term: 12 Month Forward + 10 Years
Amort: 30 Years
LTV: 70%
Prepayment: Modified Yield Maintenance
Lender Fee: Par
Brokers Steve Orchard, Gary E. Mozer, J. Jay Brooks, Josh Roseman, Scott Swisher
National HOA Capital Improvement Loan Program A nationwide lender is offering non-recourse property improvement debt to cash flowing Home Owners Associations for capital upgrades. Projects may range from re-sealing the exterior of buildings to the instillation of a new swimming pool. Collateral is the assignment of HOA dues - there are no individual liens and thus no need for partial releases. Loans self-amortize over 10 years upon construction completion. There is no prepayment penalty. Five and 10 year fixed rates are available.
Transaction Size: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Rate: 6.0% fixed for 5 years
Loan Term: 10 years
Amort: 10 years
Property Types: Condo HOAs
Prepayment: None
Fees: Par
Geography: Nationwide
Hot Money

Mobile Home Park Portfolio Lender w/$500,000,000 to deploy A Southern California based portfolio lender is aggressively targeting stabilized Mobile Home Parks in Washington, Oregon, California and Texas. They will advance on infill or tertiary locations in their efforts to deploy $500,000,000. Loans are 30 years due in 30 years with fixed rate terms of 3 years to 15 years, then float over LIBOR after the initial term. All prepayments are step-down regardless of the fixed rate term. To 75% on purchases or 70% on cash-out refinances.  Loan sizes will range from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 and will be amortized over 30 years with rates as low as 4.20% fixed for three years.

If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing, asset sales or advisory services, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer at (310) 867-2995 or
Pascale's Perspective
Fed Watching.... Next hike in 2011 or 2012?  Recent comments by Fed governors such as Janet Yellin indicate that a majority of the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) view recent spikes in commodity prices as "transitory."  At the same time, unemployment is still unacceptably high by any standard.  In Fedspeak: "Accommodative monetary policy continues to be appropriate."  In summary, don't look for a rate hike in 2011.  Note that there are dissenting voices on the board, it is not unanimous.  Futures markets have pegged the January 2012 meeting as the likely first rate hike of the post Great Recession era.  The metric that the Fed is using is: What is the relationship between recent devaluation of the US dollar to commodity price hikes?  In other words, is Fed policy of low rates and quantitative easing (which devalues the dollar) responsible for price inflation?  Recent calculations indicate that supply disruptions (Libya, etc) and the speculation/fear factor are creating much of the price increases.  Note that a major investment bank report issued Monday made the same assertion prior to oil prices dropping this week.  Bernanake Press Conference?  An extraordinary event will occur on April 27th: The Fed Chairman will take questions after the FOMC meeting for the first time in history.  This is causing some market unease as it adds an element of uncertainty to the process.  Some investors are nervous that remarks regarding the future and/or winding down of quantitative easing may be misinterpreted and roil markets in some way.  It is unknown territory which markets never like.  Stay tuned..... David R. Pascale, Jr.
Speakers Corner
Senior Vice President Steven Orchard will be a panel judge for the 2011 USC International Real Estate Case Competition on Friday April 15th. Fight On!
Join Us On LinkedIn
George Smith Partners is now on LinkedIn.  Click here to join the George Smith Partners Group and gain access to current commercial real estate topics and conversation
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©2011 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FINFacts April 6, 2011

Volume XIX  |  No. 13  |  April 6, 2011
  Letter to the Editor
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Prime Rate  3.25% 1 Month LIBOR  0.23% 5 Yr US Treasury  2.32% 5 Yr Swaps  2.46%
12-MAT  0.30% 3 Month LIBOR  0.29% 10 Yr US Treasury  3.56% 10 Yr Swaps  3.59%
11th Dist COFI  1.47% 6 Month LIBOR  0.46% 30 Yr US Treasury  4.58%    
Transactions of the Week
Transaction Description:
$38,000,000 12-Month Forward Take-Out Commitment for a 50,000 sf Santa Monica Medical Facility GSP obtained a 12-month forward commitment to provide a take-out for the construction debt on a partially-constructed three-story 50,000 sf outpatient surgery facility. The center is pre-leased to an investment-grade tenant. The facility, to be complete in December 2011, features special improvements for imaging and radiation services, a robotic six-floor subterranean parking garage, and LEED Gold certification.

Challenge: Due to inflation concerns, the borrower wanted to lock-in today's long-term rates - 12 months prior to completing construction. Until recently, forward take-out commitments were constrained to six-months and rate-lock premiums were prohibitive. The building is valued at more than $1,200/sf.

Solution: GSP solicited conduits, bond issuers, and portfolio lenders (life companies & pension funds) to identify a lender willing to lock rate today for a 12 month forward funding. GSP highlighted the quality of the real estate & borrower, and built a strong case to support the property's high valuation. The Sponsor selected a life company loan at a competitive rate, locked at application in February 2011, with a forward premium of 4 bps per month. The lender was distinguished by their understanding of the location & tenant, their willingness to commit 12 months before funding, and the trusted relationship they developed with GSP and the client.
Rate: 5.67% fixed
Term: 12 Month Forward + 10 Years
Amort: 30 Years
Prepayment: Modified Yield Maintenance
Lender Fee: Par
Brokers: Gary E. Mozer, J. Jay Brooks, Josh Roseman, Scott Swisher
Transaction Description:
$2,000,000 Cash-Out Industrial/Manufacturing Refinance GSP successfully arranged the non-recourse financing of an 80,000 sf owner-occupied warehouse in Vernon (Los Angeles), California. The company - an 80 year old furniture manufacturer - owns three separate buildings where they manufacture, assemble and ship finished goods. The company posted operating losses the last three consecutive years and was unable to qualify for bank debt. Corporate ownership was unwilling to guarantee on a personal level. GSP identified a fund willing to provide a return of equity based exclusively on the real estate value on a non-recourse basis. Proceeds will be used to "prime the pump" as corporate sales in Texas and the Southeast have increased and continues to gain momentum. The company posted a profitable first quarter in 2011 and is well positioned for a return to profitability.
Rate: 9.0%
Term: 2 years
Amort: Interest Only
LTV: 35%
Prepayment: None
Broker: Jonathan Lee
Mobile Home Park Portfolio Lender w/$500,000,000 to deploy A Southern California based portfolio lender is aggressively targeting stabilized Mobile Home Parks in Washington, Oregon, California and Texas. They will advance on infill or tertiary locations in their efforts to deploy $500,000,000. Loans are 30 years due in 30 years with fixed rate terms of 3 years to 15 years, then float over LIBOR after the initial term. All prepayments are step-down regardless of the fixed rate term. To 75% on purchases or 70% on cash-out refinances.
Transaction Size: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Rate: 3yrs-4.20%, 5yrs-4.95%
Loan Term: 30 years
Amort: 30 years
Max LTV: 70% refinance
Max LTC: 75% purchase
Min DCR: 1.20
Property Types: MHPs
Fees: Par
Geography: CA, OR, WA & TX
Hot Money
Joint Venture Equity for Value-Add Acquisitions.  A California based real estate fund manager is seeking to invest their remaining $95,000,000 of capital in 2011 with strong operating partners.  The firm will joint venture on retail, industrial, apartment or office products in major MSAs on a national level.  Total capitalizations should be from $20,000,000 to $60,000,000.  Larger projects and secondary markets will be considered on a select basis.  Existing vacant properties or adaptive reuse potential are of interest - no ground-up construction is currently available.  The firm provides pari passu JV equity with structures having co-invests as small as 5%, preferred returns as low as 9% and as much as 50% profit participation above a high-teens IRR.
If you have an inquiry regarding George Smith Partners' commercial real estate financing or advisory services, please contact your GSP representative or Todd August, Chief Operating Officer at (310) 867-2995 or
Pascale's Perspective
Federal Government Shutdown?...China Raises Rates... ECB to raise Friday?  As of press time, Congressional leaders and President Obama have negotiations scheduled for tonight to avoid a shutdown on Friday.  This may impact interest rates.  Why?  The US is near the debt ceiling.  Failure to raise the ceiling may cause investors to lose faith in the "safe haven" of US Treasuries, lowering prices and therefore raising rates.  The potential effect on capital markets and risk spreads is a subject of much speculation.  As of now, 2 1/2 years after the September/October 2008 credit meltdown, the pace of recovery varies from region to region. Commodity prices are rising on overall worldwide growth, emerging markets needs, etc.  The question is not if but when central banks will raise rates.  China increased rates for the fourth time since October 2010 as bankers try to cool their overheated economy from the dangers of inflation and "bubble economy" dynamics.  The ECB is expected to raise rates Friday as well.  This action is controversial due to the potential effect on Portugal, Ireland and Greece.  The Bank of England is expected to hold rates steady in the wake of the recent collapse in housing values and industrial output.  Their recovery is still quite fragile.  As for The Fed, late 2011 or early 2012  More on that next week.... Stay tuned....  David R. Pascale, Jr.
Speakers Corner
GSP Principal and Managing Director Gary E. Mozer, will be speaking at the BOMA Real Assets Conference at the Biltmore Hotel, downtown Los Angeles on Thursday April 7th @ 3:00.  For more information, please contact Michele Dennis at [213] 629-2662.
Come Grow With Us
George Smith Partners is expanding its team of top-notch mortgage brokers/originators.  We offer highly competitive compensation and an excellent environment in which to work, learn and be supported.  We invite you to consider a career with George Smith Partners.  Please direct confidential inquiries to Todd August, Chief Operating Officer, at (310) 897-2995
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©2011 George Smith Partners, Inc. DRE # 00822654 FINfacts is an ePublication of George Smith Partners, Inc. For Promotional Purposes Only. All Rights Reserved.

Institutional Partners